Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. They are just words so they mean nothing. Actions speak louder than words. We are pretty sure that you have heard at least one of these "great" quotes. I know I have because I use to live my life like this to the fullest. I come from a family of very strong, opinionated women. So I truly believed that it shouldn't matter what I said as long as my actions were loving. If that person couldn't get over what I said, I would wonder why my words overruled my good deeds. I thought they were making me out to be someone I wasn't and I was being misunderstood. Not only that, I was the girl that would voice my opinion about pretty much everything. I would tell you what I thought and you had to take it or leave it. My tone was not any better. Let's throw in the rolling of the eyes from time to time. Maybe a huff or a puff if I wanted to be dramatic. Most of the time, I would miss the entire picture because understanding was not a part of my vocabulary. Because of this, I would make people feel less than when they would think differently than me. I didn't even realize that I was doing this, but my condescending tone, contentious behavior, or insulting words spoke otherwise. I want you know no one wants to talk to or share things with a person who thinks they are always right or makes them feel beneath them. It makes people feel like they can't tell you anything and they will eventually decide not to do so.
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Image Courtesy of David Castillo Dominici/ |
Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/ |
Seven Helpful Tips
1.) Accept the fact that you are not loving with your words. I spend so many years not accepting constructive criticism in this area of my life. We have to learn to accept who we are before we change what we do. You can't fix anything if you don't believe it's broken.
2.) Ask God to search your heart and show you anything that is not like Him. Seek Him.
3.) Inquire with someone you trust if you speak in a loving manner. It may not be what you say, but how you say it. (tone, your facial expressions, non-verbal, etc.)
4.) Seek to understand before being understood. This is so key.
5.) Change your way of thinking. Our thoughts become our words and our words become our actions. This is usually shown in more than the words themselves, but the tone and non-verbal. For a man thinketh so is he. Proverbs 23:7
6.) Understand that we will be held accountable for the things we say. Jesus says, "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned." (Matt 12:36-37)
7.) Remember we have the capacity to choose to love others with our words everyday. Let's choose to give life.
Eph. 4:22-24
Follow @TheBoydSisters

Great post! Its a good reminder that we need to be encouraging to one another, not tearing each other down with words. Even things we say in disagreement can be done in a loving manner.
DeleteGood read! Hit home with the old me! I used to act in a similar manner, and realized that I needed to change.
ReplyDeleteIsn't God amazing? He is able to show us things that aren't like Him and make a change. :)
DeleteThe mouth truly is a weapon. It is amazing how your tone or choice of words can either uplift or tear a person down. I pray everyday that what comes out of my mouth is never mean spirited but rather a reflection of Gods grace over my life.
ReplyDeleteWe pray the same prayer!
DeleteThis is something I struggle with everyday. I used to be a very kind and loving person, with both my actions and my words. Lately though, it has been really hard and I have noticed how damaging my words or just my nonverbal communication has been. This was good for me to read, and to realize how much in need to change within- before it is reflected outward.
ReplyDeleteAmen lovely! Everyday is a new day!
DeleteThis really makes me want to step back and look at how people may see me when I talk.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post, it speaks truth! Actions speak loud but words cut deep-I too had to learn this and understand how crucial it was for me to change my behavior, work on myself, in order to develop healthy relationships with those around me. I continue to seek God for guidance in this area...
DeleteSuch a great post! I also struggle with this. I can start out with loving thoughts, words, and actions, but then have an unloving reaction to someone else's unloving words or actions. What I should be doing (and what I will work on changing) is making love my only reaction. Thanks for the helpful tips too! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! We are praying for your journey with Christ in this area. Please pray for us! :)
DeleteThis was awesome! One thing you said reminded me of 1 Corinthians 13---Though I speak with tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity (which is LOVE), I am become a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. We have to show love in everything that we do and every word that we speak, or it means nothing. Great post!
ReplyDeleteAmen girlie!
DeleteI love this because words are just as important as actions. As we know the Word of God teaches us for out of the mouth proceeds from our heart - Matthew 15:18. Period. No matter how we try to flip it or say otherwise. Undergoing a serious heart check daily! Needed this BIG TIME. Thanks for this ladies!
ReplyDeleteGlory to God!
DeleteThank you for this wonderful post! From this point forward we should stop teaching kids that words don't matter. We should teach them what DOES matter. What matters is what God has to say about them. Anything that echoes Gods word is good. Because of this post i will be intenitonal in monitoring my words from this day forward!
Great! Being more Christ-like is a daily decision!
DeleteThis was a great post and one of the most important matters that needed to be addressed. A large portion of our day is spent communicating with other people. Our biggest form of communication is from our mouths which can cause great pain and suffering or be the moving force behind a great achievement. I need to be more careful of what I say and speak in a loving Christ like manner. Thanks Boyd Sisters for yet another amazing post.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. Majority of our day is spent communicating and we have to remember to exhibit Christ there as well.
DeleteGreat post. I agree there is so much power in words... and the way we communicate with others.... i think we all need to stop and reflect on how we are using words... to make the people around us better... and ourselves better..