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Have you ever asked yourself what does love require of me? Jesus Christ tells us to love one another because we owe that to our Heavenly Father for loving us first. (John 13:34-35) We ask you again what does love require of you? Let's talk homosexuality. Homosexuality is a big topic in many communities including the Christian community. One reason is that Followers of Christ believe homosexuality is a sin. Yes, it is a sin against the body. All sexual sin (fornication, adultery, masturbation, etc.) separates us from God. (Matthew 15:19, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 5:3, 1 Timothy 1:10) We must remember God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. God loves the sinner so much that Christ died. (Romans 5:8) God hates sin so much, He believed the wages for it was death on the cross. (Romans 6:23) We have to remember to flee from all sins from porn, masturbation, selfishness, greed, pride, adultery, drunkenness, lying, disobeying our parents, hating our enemies, including the homosexuality and many others. If you are offended by what we are saying, I challenge you to go to God and ask Him why you are feeling the way you are.
We do not promote abuse, hatred, and fear of sin including homosexuality. We promote truth and loving one another as Christ loved us. If this statement bothers you, we challenge you to go to God and ask Him why you are feeling the way you are. As Followers of Christ, we cannot say that we love God and hate our brother for we are liars. (1 John 4:20) We are to check our hearts when we are confronting others on sin and do it with love paired with truth and not hate. As Christ did for us.
We challenge you to forget all the stereotypes. Let go of the fear. Chase after God. Confess and be honest about your sins to Him. Read about Jesus Christ (New Testament) for yourself. How can you follow Christ if you know nothing about Him for yourself? Use the Bible to talk to people and NOT about them. Pray for courage and faith. Figure out what does love require of you. Discover and find your identity in the One who created you. We all have a purpose. Trust God because He loves you so much. Never forget that any and all things are possible with Him.
We believe the best people to listen/talk about is someone who has walked in your shoes. Check out Jackie Hill's video about her testimony. Listen to Abby talk about her story. View Mark's transparent journey. Be touched by J.O. Speaks' spoken word.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you need a support system or check your local church for other resources.
Eph. 4:22-24
Follow @TheBoydSisters

God's love is amazing. I truly hope that people can begin to change their view of SOME Christians from "anti-gay", or "gay-bashers" to just plain LOVE. We've been called to love everyone, and as followers of Christ, it's our hope that anyone living in sin will turn away, and run towards Christ! :)
ReplyDeleteFunny, but your so-called message of love is still a judgemental heap of KKKri$ter Buy-Bull B.S.
ReplyDeletePlease do not mistake following/expressing biblical text as judgment. Your analysis in incorrect. Honesty is what is being portrayed here. Christians love people enough to be honest about the truth, biblically.
DeleteQuick challenge: seek God ... He is love
God bless
I shall comment here: Please seek for several other articles in the Bible which contains homosexuality and incest, also it contains a several events of reincarnation which in the exact bible says that is not acceptable. would you explain that? In other words, I thought that being gay was wrong, and guess what? Is not, because I had experienced the presence of god and had guided me through many paths of my life and what church and their followers had done to thousands of people who are struggling for acceptance, your people, those called sheperds of god, had made them feel humilliated by what God made them. You are all incorrect of what God really is: God is a Powerful Spirit that loves us all by the way we are.
DeleteIf we count all the famous sins, some of Your Shepperd had done it through time and you all remain shut and do not even consider them. Like: Women using clothes from different fabrics. Please, shut your mouth when you probably are worst of a sinner than anyone living in this world. I may sound rude, but I am getting tired of your so called "Christians" trying to make everyone feel that they're wrong.
With this I shall leave.
Stay Blessed!
My question is what is your greatest identity? Mine is not in my natural orientation to be straight. It's not in my choice to be committed to one person. My greatest identity is found in Christ and His Word. If anything in my life contradicts that, I need to do some heart checks with Jesus and major soul searching.
DeleteFYI, as a Follower of Christ we have to be careful with our words. We are not going to always say things that make people feel comfortable because it is what is. However, if we have to use comments like "I may sound rude", "No offense", any other similar disclaimers that's exactly what it will be rude, offensive, etc.
Great post!
It takes courage to discuss a controversial topic such like homosexuality...the videos were interesting. And powerful. What is interesting is the theme of not conforming goes behind this homo sexuality concept...we all have demons that we have created of who we think we are...but we need to focus on who God calls us to be. awesome post.
ReplyDeleteYou are inadvertenly advocating that gay people become self hating. Thinking of god as a punisher and not a lover of all things he created. Messages like this are why gay teenagers are being found in closets with ropes around their necks having ended their own lives.
ReplyDeleteActually, I strongly disagree with this person. I feel like they are coming off the way Christians are supposed to which is honest but loving. We all have sin we are working on. Sin is sin. Good job girls!
DeleteI'm also going to have to disagree with this person. With love comes honesty. We love each other enough to be honest and forthcoming of the truth. If you seek God you will truly understand what love is.
DeleteGod bless
I disagree as well, in no way do I see this article as advocating in any way for anyone to hate themselves. I think you are reading the article with a preconceived notion of the authors intent, so the point flew right over your head. The author in fact is sending the message that no one deserves hate, and it is our duty as Christians to love even when condemning sin.
DeleteThere are a lot of debates about homosexuality. Quite frankly, the division just breaks my heart. Everyone wants to call themselves a Follower of Christ, but we don't want to pay the cost for it. Jesus said to follow Him was costly. We have to love Him more than anything. For what I read, this article is written to provide homosexuals or not to figure out what love requires of us. Are we using hate to condemn those who are homosexual? Are we using hate to condemn those who preaches it to be a sin? We have to stop interpreting scripture to fit our lifestyles and make us feel good. If you do that, you missed the entire concept of being a Christian. There will be things in the bible that will offend us, trust me it has happened to me. This is what being a Christian is will be offended by your choice of sin versus Christ's choice of life for you. The Bible is not here to make you feel good about your life, but a constant reminder of what Christ did for us and we owe Him our lives.