This event has ended. Click here to learn about the Great Banquet.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Who can come?
2. What does the event entail?
You will have the chance to get dressed up, meet good people, enjoy an amazing food, and listen to great music while glorifying Christ!
For this event, we will be mixing, mingling, and hearing great artistry (poetry, music, etc). Ohhhh and you get great food from Get Nourishment.
3. Who is Jackie Hill?
Learn more about her here or see below:
4. Can I pay online or at the door?
We have the option to pay online or at the door. We would suggest that you pay online because our events fill up very quickly and you will be guaranteed a spot. However, we know some of us like to go with the current of life and make plans as we live so we give the option to pay at the door as well! :)
5. If I pay online, how and where do I go upon arrival?
If you choose to pay online, you will received a confirmation email within 24 hours. Upon arrival, you will check in with your confirmation email on your phone, iPad, or in paper. Once you are checked-in you will receive a wristband.
6. What is the money used for?
All of the revenue and a great deal of our own time, money, equipment, and resources go into creating events for the benefit of mankind. The events include community service events and social gatherings. To learn more, click here.
7. What time can I arrive?
The doors open at 7:20pm and the event starts at 8pm.
8. Will I be guaranteed food?
We can guarantee food as much as we can guarantee chicken will be leftover from BBQ if you show up late (LOL). We will try our best, however it is first come, first served.
9. Where do I park or what metro stop do I get off on?
See the flyer.
10. What are you planning for future events?
Click here to check out our new website!
11. What if I have more questions?
Email us at
Follow @TheBoydSisters

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