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By Elise of Warrior Lessons |
Christ chose me (2 Thess. 2:13; Colossians 3:12-17).
When my mother tells the story of my birth she never forgets two critical details. She reminds the listeners that I was the only little brown baby in the nursery - as I was born in a Jewish hospital. As per custom, a Rabbi blesses every baby born in that hospital, and I was no exception. As the Rabbi returned me to my mother's arms, he said, "God says this is a special baby." That's the second, and most humbling, critical detail of the story.
That's the end of my birth story but also the beginning of my post-partum romance with Christ. He wooed me in the hospital nursery, spoke promises over my life then, and continues to amaze with his love and kindness.
I was hurting... bad. It was my sophomore year of college and I was so heavy. I cannot fully describe the extent of the weight but it was enough to propel me to surrender. I was taking Nyquil to fall asleep. Negative thoughts would not stop running through my head. My parents were driving me crazy. I was worried about my sisters. I felt alone and afraid. I woke up one morning and had a demonic revelation. Something told me to search the medicine cabinet, find some pills, and end it all. I knew I was hearing the voice of the enemy and I ran upstairs to the dormitory chapel, knelt down, and cried out to God. When I closed my eyes, a figured appeared. It was Christ, his arms outstretched. This was not my first encounter with the Lord, and it would not be my last, but it was so critical that I record it in my spiritual history as an altar moment. He literally saved my life.
Christ wanted me to live; he showed me that he himself was alive and present. He chose this special baby and she continues to abide in him.
2. How did you change?
Phase 1 - Big Bad God
In the beginning of my spiritual walk, I put down explicit music and parties. I diligently paid my tithes, and attended church religiously. I was afraid of disappointing God and "getting in trouble". I did not understand forgiveness, grace, and religiosity vs. relationship. At the same time, I was testing the Christianity waters. I joined a sisterhood and learned how to fast and pray. I joined the choir and learned how to sing songs of praise and worship unto the Most High. I learned how to search Scripture for truth.
Phase 2 - Obedience
I began to understand that God required more than just abstention from certain places, music or materials. I began to diligently read his Word. In fact, I would drool when reading the Bible; it was (and continues to be) delicious! I heard his voice and followed every instruction. (Story: Man, I was obsessed with music. It was how I coped. But the messaging wasn't always positive and the songs affected my mood, mindset, and behavior. I put it down. Some time later God whispered that I should buy a MP3 player. I said, "But God, how will I hear your voice?". He replied, "You listen with your heart.")
Phase 3 - Pride and the Desert
See I was feeling myself. I thought: "God, look at me. I am reading your Word. I am doing exactly what you want me to do. I don't hang around those people. Look at that spiritual gifts you let manifest in me. I am the bomb(dot)com (Tamar Voice)." I grew self-righteous. And I was masking true relationship and surrender with performance. God took me through a desert season like none other. I could not hear his voice. I succumbed to temptation. I lost my sense of self. And I couldn't figure out why God was not helping me! My self-righteousness was preventing a true revelation of who Christ is.
Phase 4 - Healing and Peace
The Bible describes God/Christ as Potter, Shepherd, Father, Friend, and Lover. In all phases, the Potter is shaping and refining us to look more like Christ. He leads and cares for us as a Shepherd leads a flock. In another phase, we learn how accessible he is; he's up all night with us just as a best friend would be. Now, I know him as Father and Lover. My Daddy has swept me off my feet in the past 18 months. My hands are off the steering wheel and I am not afraid. I let my Lover drive the car down the road of righteousness and victory. And everything he tells me about myself, I believe. I am beloved by Him. He is well-pleased. He wants to lavish me with love. I receive it all!
Phase 5 - To Be Determined
I'll keep you posted!
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Eph. 4:22-24
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This is absolutely an amazing and inspirational story! It brought me to tears! It's yet another example of just how much Christ loves us!! And how change does not happen over night, but is a process of gradually getting closer and closer to Him...in phases! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteYou know, reading my own story after it's been put on (virtual) paper has brought me to tears too! I am glad it touched you Ayanna. I pray that we all in the body continue to grow closer and closer to Him.