1) Why did you choose Christ?
Honestly. I chose Christ out of fear. I initially was introduced to Christ in the second grade coming from a muslim background but never really being a practicing muslim; although the religion of islam was constantly reiterated and encouraged by close family members. I accepted Christ at first in the 6th grade at a Christian school I attended and according to my aunt I gravitated easily to the Spirit of God. Long story Short High school and College came and I split from God and after i graduated I came across this website where this girl visited heaven and hell and her recount of her experience scared me into repentance and here I am. The fear of eternal damnation still scares me but as I continue in the faith, I'm learning to realize God's love more.
2) How did you change?
I truly believe God is the finisher of us all. Simply meaning the things we lack He completes in us so I take that verse "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil.4:13)" literal as well as the verse "...he who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil.1:6)" meaning that where I am not confident, He makes me confident, where I am afraid, He makes me bold, where I lack, He meets my needs, where I'm prideful, He humbles me, where I'm angry, at Him or the world, He calms me, where I'm indecisive , He gives me a way, lol though I may disagree.And according to the Word, He is going to be making me a more complete man in His image till the day of Jesus or the day I die when I meet Jesus because there is a whole lot of gunk to get rid of in my life and a whole lot of new foundations that need to be built up. But I need to have faith that what God has said He will do. "...Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it; I will also do it. (Isa.46:11c)" God is good simply because He says He is and I just have to trust Him at His Word.
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Eph. 4:22-24
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