1) Why did you choose Christ?
I chose Christ because I reached a point in my life when my desire for Him was greater than anything else. I was willing to give up anything in order to truly know Him and I can only attribute that desire to the work of the Holy Spirit. I was raised in the church and always knew of God and even tried to have a "personal relationship" with Him but the problem was that I never really knew Him. I always had a desire to live for God, but I had a desire to live for myself even more. I compared myself to people that seemed worse in sin then me, so I never really saw myself as truly wicked. I read a blog by Heather Lindsey and her perspective on living for Christ and living a life of purity and that's when my heart truly began to change. She exposed the darkness in my own heart and my own selfish desires. I saw myself for who I was and fell on the mercy of the cross. Even though I grew up in the church and people often regarded me as that "church girl" I believe that moment is when I truly met Christ. One thing I have found to be true, is that we must seek after God ourselves. The God I have found to be true according to the scriptures is often portrayed very differently in many churches. We must seek Him and know Him ourselves. We can't come to Him and truly change if we don't understand who He is and the sacrifice He made for us.
2) How did you change?
I can't take any credit for any change that has happened in my life as a result of choosing Christ. When we choose Christ, we become a new creation and the Holy Spirit works through us. For so long I tried to do what I knew was right but I had no power over the sin in my life because I didn't have the Spirit working through me.
Scriptures to consider:
"You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him." Romans 8:9
"...you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator" Col 3:9-10
God Bless :)
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Eph. 4:22-24
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